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Chris Rock: America’s race relations don't exist

Comedian Chris Rock got political — and racial — in a recent interview with New York magazine. His take on America’s race relations? There are none.

Comedian Chris Rock got political — and racial — in a recent interview with New York magazine. His take on America's race relations? There are none.

In light of recent events in Ferguson, Missouri surrounding the death Michael Brown and subsequent lack of indictment of his killer, former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, black-white relations has been an especially hot topic in the media. In a speech after the controversial Ferguson grand jury decision, President Obama said the country has made significant progress in the race department. But according to Chris Rock, nope, sorry Prez. It hasn't.

"To say that black people have made progress would be to say they deserve what happened to them before," Rock said in the interview.

Even Obama's historic presidency, says Rock, isn't representative of black progress. "[T]o say Obama is progress is saying he's the first black person that is qualified to be president…. That's white progress," he said. "There's been black people qualified to be president for hundreds of years."

With such strong sentiments about America's race relations, or, rather, the lack thereof, surely the star has some sort of solution to America's accountability problem. The key rests, said Rock, in the hands of America's super-nice white people.

"The advantage that my children have is that my children are encountering the nicest white people that America ever produced," he said. "Let's hope America keeps producing nicer white people."

Rock's interview also addresses Obama's presidential legacy and the Bill Cosby rape scandal.

"It's a weird year for comedy," he said of the Cosby rape allegations. "We lost Robin, we lost Joan, and we kind of lost Cosby."
