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Flirting is illegal in Jersey, apparently

The folks over at io9, the Internet's destination for science and entertainment from the world of tomorrow, have published a map overlaid with information regarding the strangest sex laws in America. Like, for instance, in Kiddersville, New Hampshire, where it's illegal to hang lingerie on a clothesline near the airport.

The folks over at io9, the Internet's destination for science and entertainment from the world of tomorrow, have published a map overlaid with information regarding the strangest sex laws in America. Like, for instance, in Kiddersville, New Hampshire, where it's illegal to hang lingerie on a clothesline near the airport.

One such legal oddity comes from Haddon Township, New Jersey, where flirting is outlawed.

In Haddon Township, New Jersey, a person may not approach another person of the opposite sex in a public place and by word, sign, or gesture attempt to become acquainted with that person against their will, or attempt to entice them into doing any indecent or unnatural act. (Haddon Township Code Ordinances, § 175-12) [The Book of Strange and Curious Legal Oddities]

Though, in the grand scheme of things, that ordinance seems tame compared to laws like Utah's ban on first-cousin marriages until the age of 65 and Texas' limit on the number of, ahem, intimate implements a person is permitted to own at a given time. Check out the full map/graphic over at io9.