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Newly hung signs declare Philadelphia, New York ‘no-catcall zones’

Catcallers of Philadelphia, your days are numbered: Philadelphia is now a “no-catcall zone” thanks to the work of nonprofit Feminist Apparel and Philly feminist group Pussy Division.

Catcallers of Philadelphia, your days are numbered: Philadelphia is now a "no-catcall zone" thanks to the work of nonprofit clothing company Feminist Apparel and Philly feminist group Pussy Division.

Recently, signs began popping up around the city in the style of "No Parking" indicators — only with a cat shooting laser beams out of its eyes while letting onlookers know that they have entered a "No-Catcall Zone." Another version tells readers, "No Catcalling Any Time."

Feminist Apparel and Pussy Division recently slapped the signs up all over Philadelphia and New York to raise awareness for International Anti-Street Harassment Week, which now is wrapping up. The groups reportedly financed the project via T-shirt sales on the Feminist Apparel website.

Via HuffPo:

Martofel said they're aiming to have at least one sign up in each of New York's five boroughs by the end of the week, and they're also going up in Philadelphia neighborhoods in partnership with feminist group Pussy Division.

"Awareness-building and dialogue-creation surrounding feminist issues is at the core of our nonprofit's mission, and we just thought legitimate looking anti-catcalling street signs out on the streets where street harassment occurs would be a cool, visual way to capture people's attention towards the issue," he told HuffPost in an emailed statement.

Nonprofit Hollaback previously attempted a similar campaign when they had actress Shoshana B. Roberts walk through New York for 10 hours to receive more than 100 catcalls. Pussy Division, of course, is the Philly-based feminist group behind the "Enjoy Consent" and crossed-out "Smile, Honey" graffiti and stickers you've seen around town.

A photo posted by Pavia Rose (@ascoldasearth) on Apr 17, 2015 at 6:52am PDT

According to the Sun Times, plans for more signs around town are in the works. However, New York has already begun removing the signs in their city, so try and get a glimpse here while you can.
