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VIDEO: Woman removed from plane for singing Whitney Houston songs

Wailing babies. People with too much carry-on luggage.

Wailing babies. People with too much carry-on luggage. Alec Baldwin playing games on his iPhone. These are typically the most irritating types of passengers you'll encounter when traveling via airplane. One woman on a flight from LAX to JFK took that a step further, though, and was subdued by a federal air marshall and removed from the plane during an emergency stop in Kansas City because she refused to stop singing Whitney Houston songs, including "I Will Always Love You."

The woman disrupted the flight in part by belting out Whitney Houston songs. And based on the video posted by a passenger on the flight, the woman won't be getting a golden ticket onto the American Idol competition anytime soon.

The American Airlines flight departed Los Angeles International Airport at 3:30 p.m. Thursday. It was headed to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.

But it made an unscheduled landing at KCI at 6:06 p.m.

"The woman was being disruptive and was removed from the plane for interfering with the flight crew," airport spokesman Joe McBride said Friday. "There was a federal air marshal on the aircraft, who subdued the woman and put her in cuffs and removed her from the plane." [KCTV5, h/t Gawker]