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Wetter or Not, it's been gloomy

May has been mighty gray in Philly.

The appearance of the sun today may have been startling, or at least grabbed your attention more than usual.

Through yesterday, every day this month has met the meteorological criterion for "cloudy," defined as the sky being 80 percent or better cloud-covered during daytime.

Here are the daily climate summaries for the month for Philadelphia International Airport.

That represented the first such nine-day stretch of cloudiness since Sept. 20 through 28, way back when the region was bailing out from monsoon-like rains.

It will be a close call as to whether today becomes the 10th consecutive day, or whether it falls into the more-prosaic category of "partly cloudy" -- or 40 to 70 percent cloud-covered.

Not that it has rained all that much. The generous half-inch yesterday brought the May total to 1.01 inches, or a full 0.01 inches above normal for the month, something we haven't been able to say very often lately.

Nevertheless, the U.S. Drought Monitor still colors the region with the "moderate drought" brush, although that is based on data through Tuesday.

After today, the weather is due to unfold splendidy, and that trend should last at least through Mother's Day, with sun and daytime temperatures climbing to near 80.

The long-range forecast sees a chance of showers after dark Sunday, but by then the monthly rainfall deficit should be back.

One footnote: Our esteemed colleague, Al Heavens, who knows his skies at least as well as his hammers and nails, was the inspiration for the headline.