Another Winter Wedding Photo
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Can't resist sharing this pretty wedding photo, sent to me by reader Blair Kahora, 28, who married Matt Cardinal, 30, during the Dec. 19th Blizzard of 2009.
Blair read my story about Stephanie Sudzina and Anthony Campanale's almost snowed-out wedding on the same day, and she basically said, "HAH! At least they got married indoors!"
Blair and Matt, who live in Queen Village, scheduled their wedding ceremony for outside, in Head House Square. And they decided to proceed with it, even as the snow piled up around them, rather than move it indoors to the Sheraton Society Hill Hotel, where their reception was to take place.
Notice that Blair's dress is - ahem - sleeveless.
Blair tells me that she was so excited to get married, she didn't notice, until she and Matt had finished reciting their vows, that her hands had actually gone purple from the cold.
(Hey, purple and white is a winning wedding-color combo any time of year.)
Thankfully, the Sheraton was heated. After Blair and Matt's 110-115 guests finally thawed out, everyone had a lovely time.
Congrats Blair and Matt, you crazy snowbirds. May you have many years of wedded bliss - and winter warmth.