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Wearing His Hate on His Wall

Don't hold back, Avi. Tell us how you REALLY feel about Bank of America!

See this fun sign?

In these fragile, foreclosure-y times, it would be easy to assume it was mounted on this Fishtown house by someone having mortgage issues with Bank of America.

But, no, the sign's been hanging on Avi Oslick's side wall at Earl St. and Girard Ave. since those halcyon, pre-bank-mess days of November 2007.

Avi, a Fishtown contractor and property manager, installed it after BofA refused to honor a stop-payment order he placed on a $2,500 check he'd given a scam handyman. In frustration, he hung this 2-foot-by-20-foot banner on his house – which sits in clear view of the BofA branch on Girard Ave.

It generated a flurry of panicked response: BofA's marketing department contacted Avi about it, and – oddly – a cop showed up at his door, inquiring whether Avi planned to take down the sign.

When Avi told him no, he says, the cop replied, "Sounds good to me."

Despite lots of local and national initial press - though none from the Daily News (man, how did we miss this one?) - nothing has been resolved to Avi's liking.  So Avi, who works as a contractor and propepty manager in the neighborhood, says the cheeky sign will hang in perpetuity, where it continues to delight and surprise passersby.

To read the whole tortured story, visit Avi's fun website, devoted entirely to hating BofA.