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Good reviews for Obama's transportation secretary choice

Ray LaHood, a Republican congressman who should know how things will play in Peoria (his hometown) is Barack Obama's choice for secretary of transportation and the selection is already getting largely good reviews in Washington. The seven-term congressman from Illinois, who is retiring from the House, has a reputatiion for bipartisanship that should help get stalled legislation to reauthorize the FAA moving and increase the air traffic controller workforce. Count on him knowing something about road building, too, as the new administration is proposing spending more on transportation infrastructure to help boost the economy. Here's one full story from

» READ MORE: Bloomberg.

Some insiders were disappointed that Obama didn't choose a transportation professional, according to

» READ MORE: Congressional Quarterly.

A little personal background, and some details on his ability to get federal funds for his district in central Illinois are in this

» READ MORE: AP story
