The column: Time to rethink ban on in-flight calls?
Today's Winging It column reports on an effort by international in-flight cell phone companies to stop Congress from banning talking on phones while a flight is underway. Airlines in other parts of the world have begun allowing voice calls in addition to Web surfing and using e-mail, and there's no backlash from annoyed customers, according to a group lobbying to keep Congress from acting on the issue.
Regular visitors to this space know what I think of this issue, and in the column I outlined why I'm opposed to lifting the current U.S. prohibition. As expected, readers of the column in print or orline this morning already are making their views known: I already have half a dozen e-mails, agreeing with my thoughts on the matter. Read the column here. and if you have a comment on it, please consider posting it here on the blog so others may read it.