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Start with these sites for a look at the issues and trends in corporate governance - a vast field touching on how to organize companies, make them profitable, and keep them honest.
Start with these sites for a look at the issues and trends in corporate governance - a vast field touching on how to organize companies, make them profitable, and keep them honest.
Harvard blog. The Harvard Law School's blog on corporate governance is a heady forum about related legal matters, such as proposed and pending legislation, and court rulings on insider trading and shareholder empowerment. Contributors include Lucian Bebchuk, director of Harvard's program for corporate governance and a vocal critic of stratospheric pay for corporate executives.
Litigation watch. Securities Litigation Watch keeps an eye on big legal cases brought by shareholder groups.
Wharton center. The Center for Leadership and Change Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania maintains this site for its own academic material on corporate governance, including notes on papers and articles by Wharton and Penn professors. Their subjects include market morality, humanitarian investing and CEO succession.
While you are there, check this Wharton page for links on investor relations and shareholder rights. Sites listed include some for shareholder activists, along with sites that cater to companies' investor-relations departments, and links to the Web sites, such as vcall.com, that host corporate conference calls.
CorpGov. One of the things we like about this site is that, in the spirit of full disclosure and accountability, its editor, James McRitchie of Elk Grove, Calif., publishes a list of the companies in which he has financial interests.
McRitchie's news page is a good place to see how governance matters are playing out in proxy fights, CEO pay raises, and the debate over corporate transparency.