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Turning tides; Wal-Mart loyalty; Sears gets personal

"This tide is turning. We expect this trend of slower job loss to continue throughout the year." - Richard Yamarone, economist at Argus

"This tide is turning. We expect this trend of slower job loss to continue throughout the year."

- Richard Yamarone, economist at Argus

" 'Less bad' is not how we're going to measure success."

- Vice President Biden

"So let me be clear, and people ask me about this all the time: our customers will stay with us when this economy turns around."

- Wal-Mart Stores Inc. chief executive officer Mike Duke
"I would expect that the model that we're putting together, the distribution model, will be profitable day one."

- former race car driver Roger Penske, on his agreement to buy the Saturn brand from General Motors Corp.

"People are noticing, and they're calling, and they want the grass mowed."

- Delaware transportation spokesman Darrel Cole,
on states' reducing
roadside mowing to cut
"At all times, Sears Holdings ensured the privacy and security of the personal information."

- Sears vice president Chris Brathwaite, on government charges that Sears did not disclose the breadth of information it collected from some online consumers

"We pulled up information about the then-chairman of the FTC's refrigerator."

- Ari Schwartz, vice president of the nonprofit Center for Democracy and Technology, on his group's examination of Sears' spyware

"It was not in the president's plan, it was not in our budget."

- President Obama's budget director, Peter Orszag, on taxing health benefits

"It's on the table. It's an option."

- U.S. Sen. Max Baucus (D., Mont.), after meeting with Obama on taxing health benefits