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The Week in Words: Speaking of green, black, and orange

"We're not going to maintain a leadership position in [green] jobs and investment if we don't pass House Bill 8. We'll lose future jobs, and we could put at risk what we've already achieved. Investors are looking at Pennsylvania and other states and nations and deciding every month where they're going to put money."

"We're not going to maintain a leadership position in [green] jobs and investment if we don't pass House Bill 8. We'll lose future jobs, and we could put at risk what we've already achieved. Investors are looking at Pennsylvania and other states and nations and deciding every month where they're going to put money."

- John Hanger, secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection,
on a failed bill to boost clean-energy standards

"I learned my lesson. Thanksgiving can no longer be the start of the shopping season. It's going to have to be Halloween." - Tom Burson, who shopped without luck for toy items
for his 7-year-old son

"I love a white Christmas, I really do. But at some point, there's a fine line between providing good customer service and just being crazy by trying to stand out here and sell hot dogs." - Denver hot dog cart owner Jim Pittenger, in anticipation of wintry weather

"When we go after this market, we will beat them on channels, check. We will beat them with On Demand, check. And we will beat them with the Triple Play, check." - Derek Harrar, senior vice president and general manager of video and entertainment services at Comcast, regarding channels aimed at ethnic markets

"We will protect our position with everything we got. You have got to have really deep roots here and understand the nuances" of the ethnic TV market. - John de Armas, vice president of international programming for DirecTV