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The Week in Words: An unveiling; a filing; a sentence

"I can't wait for it to open in a little more than three months." - Ed Snider, chairman, Comcast-Spectacor, on the unveiling of the Xfinity Live! development at the South Philadelphia stadium complex.

"I can't wait for it to open in a little more than three months."

- Ed Snider, chairman, Comcast-Spectacor, on the unveiling of the Xfinity Live! development at the South Philadelphia stadium complex.

"People might not even recognize it's Comcast."

- Ronald Hill, marketing professor, Villanova University, on naming the development Xfinity Live!

"[PGW] failed to take required steps to minimize the danger of accidental ignition of gas."

- Public Utility Commission report
on a blast in Tacony
in January 2011 that killed
a PGW worker.

"Retailers will be inclined to do more discounting. Inflation will crest around here. This will give the Fed more comfort in terms of implementing further monetary policy."

- Jacob Oubina, economist, RBC Capital Markets L.L.C., on a flat Consumer Index report.

"With a stronger emphasis on Black Friday, the more the industry pushes, it works, but the price of that is this lull."

- Michael P. Niemira, economist, International Council of Shopping Centers, on weak holiday shopping.

"Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives told the world that their subprime exposure was substantially smaller than it really was."

- Robert Khuzami, head of enforcement for the Securities and Exchange Commission, after filing civil actions against six former executives.

"The government is pleased with the sentence. The court recognized the severity of the harm done."

- Assistant U.S. Attorney Mary Crawley, after a federal judge sentenced Synthes executive Richard Bohner to eight months in prison for illegal use of a bone cement that was linked to  the deaths of three people.

"The Fed likely thinks now that such a tightening move will not come at least until late 2014."

- Roberto Perli, managing director, ISI, on raising interest rates.

"A lot of folks are just fed up with the euro-zone process."

- Robert Sinche, currency strategist, RBS Global Banking & Markets, on lingering doubts about European economies.