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Insider Transactions

Securities trades recently reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission by officers, directors and principal shareholders of corporations based or having sizable employment in the Philadelphia area. Titles are as reported to the SEC. Comcast Corp.

Securities trades recently reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission by officers, directors and principal shareholders of corporations based or having sizable employment in the Philadelphia area. Titles are as reported to the SEC.

Comcast Corp.

Brian L. Roberts, chief executive officer, sold 105,495 shares at 29.87 on Apr. 17, and now directly holds 312,841 shares.

Kulicke and Soffa Industries Inc.

Garrett E. Pierce, director, sold 949 shares at 12.21 to 12.22 on Apr. 11, and now directly holds 82,532 shares.

PNC Financial Services Group Inc.

Joan L. Gulley, officer, sold 1,500 shares at 61.89 on Apr. 16, and now directly holds 33,836 shares.