Tattle | Pennington's no Paris about his DUI
LOOKS LIKE Ty Pennington's "special project" this week was a bottle of Jack. Pennington, the manic host of ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," Tattle's Sunday- TV guilty pleasure, was arrested in L.A. this weekend on suspicion of DUI, TMZ.com reported.

Ty Pennington
's "special project" this week was a bottle of Jack.
Pennington, the manic host of ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," Tattle's Sunday- TV guilty pleasure, was arrested in L.A. this weekend on suspicion of DUI, TMZ.com reported.
It's a misdemeanor.
Ty was arrested about 12:30 a.m. Saturday and was released two hours later after posting $5,000 bail.
He is due back in court June 4.
Unlike Paris Hilton, who blames everyone but herself for her driving woes, and refuses to acknowledge that her driving unlicensed and impaired could have consequences for someone else on the road, Pennington released a statement taking full responsibility for his action.
"I made an error in judgment," the statement said. "We all make mistakes, however this is about accountability. Under no circumstances should anyone consume alcohol while driving. I could have jeopardized the lives of others and I am grateful there was no accident or harm done to anyone. This was my wake-up call. I also want to apologize to my fans, ABC Television and my design team for my lapse in judgment and the embarrassment I have caused."
* As for Paris, her lawyer said yesterday he has filed notice that he will appeal her sentence.
* Did Paris judge Michael T.
Sauer abuse his discretion by sentencing her to the clink for 45 days? His fellow parishioners don't think so. According to TMZ.com, when Sauer entered St. Brendan's Church in L.A. Sunday, he got a standing ovation.
* If Paris wants any sympathy while her appeal plays itself out, she's got to stop with this "Driving while blond" nonsense.
"I think I get in more trouble just because of who I am," she tells Harper's Bazaar in an interview done before the sentencing. "The cops do it all the time. They'll just pull me over to hit on me. It's really annoying. They're like, 'What's your phone number? Want to go to dinner?' They won't even give me a ticket. They just pull me over, and the paparazzi, of course, take a picture. All the time. I have so many cops' business cards."
Huh? If you know police officers are going to pull you over to hit on you, that's even more of a reason not to drive drunk or with a suspended license.
Hire a limo, for goodness sake. You're rich enough.
* Lastly, the New York Daily News reports that Paris' parents, Kathy and Rick Hilton, are exploring all possibilities to keep their little princess out of the slammer - including a possible phone call to Gov. Schwarzenegger.
Enterprising Kathy has also reportedly contacted TV networks about a big-bucks Paris interview to capitalize on her jail stay.
Keep this up and an appeals judge might send her away for 45 years.
Tattle nursery
* TMZ.com reports 52-year-old
Kevin Costner and his wife, Christine, 33, welcomed the very western-named Cayden Wyatt Costner Sunday.
The boy weighed in 7 lbs., 14 oz. and has dark hair. Everyone's doing well. This is No. 5 for Kevin and No. 1 for Christine.
* Also meeting the stork for a delivery was Kim Fields ("The Facts of Life") who gave birth to the very soap-opera-named Sebastian Alexander Morgan Friday in NYC.
The boy, who will acronymistically (our word) be called Sam, weighed 6 lbs., 4 oz., said the actress' publicist, Linda J. Stewart.
He is the first child for Fields, 37, and her fiance, Christopher Morgan, 30, a Broadway actor.
The couple decided to have a child last summer, Fields said in a statement.
"We were on the subway one day and Chris said, 'I'm ready to start our family,' " she said. "It was beautiful and I started to weep."
To paraphrase Petula Clark, "Don't weep in the subway, darling."
* Helen Mirren, who won an
Academy Award earlier this year for playing Queen Elizabeth II, has turned down an invitation to dinner at Buckingham Palace, Britain's Mail on Sunday reported.
The paper said Mirren had been invited to dine with the queen last week, but sent her regrets because she is filming the "National Treasure" sequel in South Dakota.
* We were starting to think
druggie rocker Pete Doherty had cleaned up his act.
Then he was arrested this weekend on suspicion of possessing illegal drugs, the London Sun reported yesterday.
Metropolitan Police declined to directly confirm the report, but did say a 28-year-old man was arrested Saturday night in London on suspicion of drug possession.
Gee, that narrows it down.
At a court appearance April 18, the Babyshambles frontman said people close to him were insisting that he kick his addiction.
"The people I'm closest to have had enough. They've said it's drugs or them," he said.
Drugs win.
* Four quotes from noted philosopher Jessica Simpson, as heard on "Extra":
On the upcoming year: "It's really going to be the year where I am no longer the girl with potential - I am the butterfly!"
On what she's learned about herself: "There's a lot of discovery and that's what's so amazing and humbling about life . . . every day there's a new discovery whether it's as simple as hair color or a new friend in your life, a new person in your life."
On turning 27: "I've got to get my life together and become the woman that I've always wanted to be and just love life and love who I am."
On her new brown hair: "I'm happy to be a brunette because it reflects who I am now."
It must be awesome to understand your whole fortune-cookie life based on a bottle of dye. *
Daily News wire services contributed to this report.
E-mail gensleh@phillynews.com