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Is staying in a job you like a sign of poor motivation?

DEAR ABBY: I'm a millennial, and it seems these days people stay at jobs for only a few years before moving on. That has been my experience in the past, but now I'm in a position that's fulfilling and where I am creatively satisfied.

DEAR ABBY: I'm a millennial, and it seems these days people stay at jobs for only a few years before moving on. That has been my experience in the past, but now I'm in a position that's fulfilling and where I am creatively satisfied.

All my friends are always looking for their next gig, but for once, I don't feel that way. They keep sending me job postings they think I would be interested in, which would be right up my alley if I were looking, but I'm not.

How should I respond? Does it say I'm lacking motivation or goals if I don't have the desire to leave the company where I am working? In this day and age, is it OK to stay longer at a company, or does that hurt your resumé? Does it show a lack of drive?

— Seeking guidance

DEAR SEEKING: Many millennials move from job to job because they don't like what they're doing or don't have the creative satisfaction you do, as well as other factors. Remaining with a company you like, being appreciated and fairly compensated for what you do, should not create a black mark on your resumé. It's a sign of stability.

In terms of a resumé, it's not just your work history that has importance or value, it's also your acquired skills, your community participation, and relevant hobbies. These elements let potential employers get a well-rounded view of the person who's being hired.

Online invitation for shower seems tacky

DEAR ABBY: I received a Facebook "invitation to an event" from one of my local friends. Her daughter who lives out of state is expecting, and this is an "online shower." The invitation contains a link to her daughter's registry. There's no date — just choose a gift and pay to have it sent to her. The daughter is fully employed as a high school life skills teacher, and her husband is a minister.

I always thought of a shower as a social gathering to honor a mother-to-be with gifts, see what gifts she receives, play games, have refreshments and visit. This new concept seems in poor taste to me. While I don't intend to participate, I feel rude just clicking on "Not going." Am I being a crotchety old relic?

— Old timer in Texas

DEAR OLD TIMER: In light of the fact that you didn't mention whether you know or even like your friend's daughter, I don't think you are being a "crotchety old relic." Because you received what I would call a stripped-down version of an "invitation," you should not feel rude in responding in the same fashion. Just click no, if that's the only option you've been given.

Should newly widowed send greeting cards?

DEAR ABBY: I was widowed this spring and seem to recall hearing, years ago, that I should not send out greeting cards for the first year. Is this still proper etiquette? With the holidays approaching, I need to know whether I should or should not be sending Christmas cards. For some people, it will be the only way they'll learn of his passing. Thank you for your help.

— Carolyn in Virginia

DEAR CAROLYN: Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your husband. If you feel up to sending holiday cards and would like to do so, by all means send them. I have never heard of any rule of etiquette that says you shouldn't.