New exam regulations to be discussed in Downingtown
DOWNINGTOWN Nearly 30 superintendents and state legislators from Southeastern Pennsylvania will learn more about the state-mandated Keystone exams in Algebra I, Biology and Language Arts at a conference at the Chester County Intermediate Unit in Downingtown Thursday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
DOWNINGTOWN Nearly 30 superintendents and state legislators from Southeastern Pennsylvania will learn more about the state-mandated Keystone exams in Algebra I, Biology and Language Arts at a conference at the Chester County Intermediate Unit in Downingtown Thursday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The meeting is being held to discuss the economic and fiscal impact of the new Chapter 4 regulations that went into effect on March 1 and will affect the Class of 2017. All students must pass the exams to graduate from high school. Those who do not pass will get a chance to retake the test or complete remedial work.
The test was part of the federal government's new Common Core standards.
In addition to educators and legislators, parents, students and college admissions officers are scheduled to provide information and insight. - Kathy Boccella