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Steve and Mia: She & hubby can't fit sex in schedule

Q: I've heard horror stories about how sex in marriage dies. I've been married for four years and we both work full time and have a 2-year-old son. I am lucky to have intercourse once a month. How are we going to have another child?

Q: I've heard horror stories about how sex in marriage dies.

I've been married for four years and we both work full time and have a 2-year-old son. I am lucky to have intercourse once a month. How are we going to have another child?

Is this common in a marriage or is there something wrong with us?

Steve: Getting on the same page as your spouse when it comes to sex is probably the No. 1 challenge in marriage after children enter the picture.

You have to talk about it, share ideas on how to find time - and set the mood - more frequently.

Mia: Yeah, it's common but it doesn't have to be your fate.

Start scheduling a weekly sex date with your man - and keep it.

Get a sitter for your son and check into a local hotel so no one will come knocking when the bed starts rocking.

When you are home, skip "American Idol" and turn off the TV.

Get your man off the computer, light candles and put on sexy music.

If you want more sex, you've got to be creative.

Don't leave it all up to your guy.

Put the moves on him. I'll bet he won't say no.

Q: I just read an article about the husband with the after-sex problem, which I also had experienced.

I would feel ashamed after sex.

I discovered I had a hormonal disorder called Klinefelter's Syndrome. It wasn't until after testosterone treatments that I began to feel normal.

Perhaps this may be what this couple needs.

Mia: Men with Klinefelter's Syndrome have an extra X chromosome.

Symptoms can include reduced testicle size and infertility.

Luckily, it's treatable with testosterone.

I'm glad you found relief.

Any time you have extreme responses during sex, you need to get it checked out.

There's no point in wasting time feeling bad.

Steve: Thanks for sharing your experience.

Beyond a physical disorder, when you live in a society that is prudish about sex, yet promotes it relentlessly, there's bound to be some psychological fallout.

Either way, men who feel shame or disgust after sex should seek advice from a doctor.