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Bridge by Frank Stewart

"Magic Mirror on the wall," intoned the wicked queen, "who's the best player of them all?" "Judging by the latest masterpoint standings," the Mirror replied nervously, "Snow White is. After all, I taught her the game myself."

"Magic Mirror on the wall," intoned the wicked queen, "who's the best player of them all?"

"Judging by the latest masterpoint standings," the Mirror replied nervously, "Snow White is. After all, I taught her the game myself."

"What?" screamed the queen. "We'll fix that."

In the next castle tournament, Snow White's team faced the queen's quartet and held a narrow lead with one deal left.

When the queen and her partner sat North-South, they stopped at four spades. West led a diamond, and the queen cashed her 10 top tricks. She then took no chances: She cast an evil spell on the deal before it was played at the other table, making sure the East-West cards lay badly.

"Both minor-suit kings are offside," the queen cackled, "and hearts break 4-2. If Snow White plays at a slam, she'll fail."

Sure enough, the princess landed at six spades, and West led a high diamond. The queen laughed villainously, but Snow White, knowing her adversary would be up to no good, found an inspired line of play. She took the ace of diamonds, ruffed a diamond high, led a trump to dummy's eight, ruffed a diamond high, led the ten of trumps to the jack, and ruffed a diamond.

South then led a heart to the queen, drew the last trump with the nine, and took the A-K of hearts. When West discarded, declarer exited with her last heart, and East had to lead a club to dummy's A-Q, giving Snow White the slam and the tournament. Her play reflected well, so to speak, on her mentor, the Magic Mirror.