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Sideshow: Foo Fighters make the Earth move

How loved, worshipped, and adulated are the Foo Fighters? The alterna.rock outfit, founded by Nirvana veteran Dave Grohl, inspires such ecstasy in their fans, such fits of transcendent stomping that their concert Tuesday in Auckland, New Zealand, inspired actual, measurable geological tremors in Gaia, our Mother Earth's crust, says the Hollywood Reporter.

How loved, worshipped, and adulated are the Foo Fighters? The alterna.rock outfit, founded by Nirvana veteran Dave Grohl, inspires such ecstasy in their fans, such fits of transcendent stomping that their concert Tuesday in Auckland, New Zealand, inspired actual, measurable geological tremors in Gaia, our Mother Earth's crust, says the Hollywood Reporter.

We're talkin' shakin' and rollin' ('n' of course rockin') of the sort caused by volcanic events.

A strong low frequency of tremors was detected more than a mile away from the show, which was packed with 50,000 fans.

Who fascinates Barbara Walters?

Lindsay Lohan is not fascinating.

But Kim Kardashian, Eric Stonestreet, and Steve Jobs most certainly are. Fact, they're supertastically fascinating, decrees one of the business' most sought-after confessors, Barbara Walters.

Walters, who presented her findings on an ABC News special Wednesday night, is most impressed with Jobs, who tops her list.

The Apple founder, who died in October at 56, transformed the face of computing, friends and colleagues tell Walters.

"He wanted things insanely great and would take or accept nothing less than that," said Disney president and chief executive officer Bob Iger. "His enthusiasm was unbelievably evident, visceral."

Walters' show features chats with other fascinators, including Kris Jenner and her daughters Kourtney, Khloe, and Kim Kardashian. Walters notes that they make millions, yet, as she puts it, "forgive me, but you don't have any talent." (One for Babs!) Other notables include Herman Cain, Simon Cowell, Katy Perry, Derek Jeter, and Modern Family's Stonestreet.

Hubby: Giuliana Rancic doing well

Good news for Giuliana Rancic fans. E!News' bubbly personality, who recently announced she has breast cancer, was in great spirits Thursday morning after undergoing a successful double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery Wednesday night.

"Her surgery lasted about four hours and the doctors were very pleased with the result," husband Bill Rancic told E!News. "She had a little bit of pain through the night, but is feeling much better this morning and was cracking jokes." Giuliana is touched by the many tweets she has received from fans, he adds.

A billion dollars for Facebook?

Is Facebook making too much money? (Can you ever make too much money? A question for the ages.)

The intrepid folks at Gawker look at the social media giant's financial, um, giantasity in light of a leak from an Anonymous Source with a mole inside Mark Zuckerberg's empire.

The upshot? According to the source, Facebook will earn close to $1 billion in profits this year, "more than double what it reportedly made a year ago and quadruple what it is believed to have made two years ago."

 Facebook has yet to issue a comment.

Howard Stern adds schlock to reality TV

Sure, his only experience as a judge of talent has been squeezing bikini-clad bimbos' backsides on his radio show, but we're sure Howard Stern will make a terrific judge on America's Got Talent. NBC on Thursday said the schlock jock will join the show's seventh season in summer. "Howard Stern's larger-than-life personality will bring a thrilling new dynamic" to the show, NBC suit Paul Telegdy said. "He's a proven innovator."

(Not so thrilled about Stern is the Parents Television Council, which has just released a most stern objection to Stern's off-color sex banter.)

Janet Jackson endorses diet brand

Everyone needs a face. Cats have nice faces.

Even corporations have faces. Though unlike Peaches the Puss, who came by her face naturally, corps pay people to be their public mug.

Nutrisystem, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTRI), purveyors of dieting products, has hired the lovely Janet Jackson as its face. "Ms. Jackson enjoys a special position as an inspirational role model for women everywhere who are struggling with weight loss . . . issues," the company says.

JJ also weighs in. "Dieting never worked for me," she says, "counting calories never worked for me, and denying myself . . . never worked for me." (Hm, so what worked was . . .)

Janet's niece Paris Jackson on her dad

Ellen DeGeneres' daytime gabfest on Thursday featured the sweet Paris Jackson, a 13-year-old fledgling actor who just happens to be Michael Jackson's daughter. Paris tells Ellen her dad was a font of wisdom and life experience. His advice, she says, continues to sustain her.

He even helped her develop her acting skills.

"We would do improv together," says Paris, who will be featured in the fantasy flick Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys. "He would give us little scenarios. He would go, 'OK, in this scene you're going to cry,' and I'd cry on the spot."

Paris' discourse isn't blind adulation. She admits she thought it was weird that MJ insisted she and her siblings wear masks in public. "I'm like, 'This is stupid, why am I wearing a mask?' " she says. "But I kind of realized the older I got, like, he only tried to protect us."

Tidbits 'n' pieces

It'll be March madness for Madonna! The Material Girl will release a new record that month, Interscope Records announced Thursday. And her widely panned movie W.E. will be given a wider theatrical opening on Feb. 3. . . . Kurt Cobain's widow, Courtney Love, 47, is being evicted from her $27,000-a-month, four-story West Village townhouse "after she set it on fire and 'ruined' its decor," reports the New York Post. . . . VH1 Divas will pay tribute to Amy Winehouse's contribution to London soul music Monday on VH1 Divas Celebrates Soul.