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Sideshow: The duchess is with child

It's official! The cosmos buckles! The time-space continuum, um, continues! The very handsome Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and his gorgeous wife, Catherine, Duchess Also, Not Coincidentally, of the Aforesaid Cambridge, are officially pregnant. So sa

Prince William and Kate Middleton are expecting a royal baby. Click through for more images of the world's most stylish mum-to-be. (Graphic: Colin Kerrigan /
Prince William and Kate Middleton are expecting a royal baby. Click through for more images of the world's most stylish mum-to-be. (Graphic: Colin Kerrigan / more

It's official! The cosmos buckles! The time-space continuum, um, continues! The very handsome Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and his gorgeous wife, Catherine, Duchess Also, Not Coincidentally, of the Aforesaid Cambridge, are officially pregnant. So said Buckingham Palace in a palatial announcement Monday. And it went on!: "The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news." We are, too! Kate was admitted to hospital with first-trimester upchuckery, called "hyperemesis gravidarum" in the letter, but it's severe morning sickness. She'll require treatment and rest. As for the child, it would be behind Princes Charles and William in succession to the throne. Go, royal baby!!!

Judge Stern returns

Howard Stern is returning as a judge on America's Got Talent. He never left, actually: He signed on this summer to sit next to Sharon Osbourne and Howie Mandel and slam the poor contestants. NBC says he'll be back next year for Season 8. Two dog trainers and their dogs won this year.

All kidding aside

Kid Rock, avowed Mitt Romney guy and rock-rapper, ran into Barack Obama Sunday night at the Kennedy Center Honors. "He said, 'I'm still here,' "Kid says. "I said, 'No hard feelings.' " Big of you, Kid.

Katt on a hot tin life

Alleged comedian Micah "Katt" Williams is having quite the time! On Nov. 25, he led police on a wild motorbike chase through Sacramento, Calif., then stopped off at a local Target, where surveillance cameras seem to show him slapping an employee in the face. Then what does the Katt man do? Takes his show to Seattle. Friday, he tussled with fans who tried to invade his dressing room and get a photo with him. Sunday night, he got into a shout-shove at World Sports Grill, where he brandished a pool cue and refused to leave. So he was arrested on brandishing and refusing charges. Suge Knight, nice person, bailed Katt out.

Uncle Sam jacks up LiLo for $$$

Speaking of folks on a roll, and we don't mean a bialy, serial tax-ignorer Lindsay Lohan has had all her bank accounts seized by the IRS. Her 2009 bill was a whopper; white knight Charlie Sheen pitched in $100,000 to help her pay Uncle Sam. Alas, Sam says she owes him $233,904 for 2009 and 2010. And money for last year, too.

Tremendous Travolta travail, tra-la

Doug Gotterba, who says he was John Travolta's personal pilot from 1981 to 1987, says he (1) is suing John and his lawyer, Marty Singer, for sending him threatening letters; (2) had a relationship of some kind with John, about which he's said to have spilled some ill-defined beans to the National Enquirer; (3) is being sued by John and Marty for violating a confidentiality clause in his termination agreement; and (4) did sign such an agreement, but it di'n' have no clause like that there. Singer says the guy's just lyin'. Was, too, a shut-up clause; talk out of school, get sued.

Chris Brown, meet Pope Benedict

Chris Brown has restarted his Twitter account. He deleted it in a pit of fique after a smut-mouthed tweetmageddon with comedian Jenny Johnson, on record since 2009 as hatin' on Chris for his abusive ways toward Rihanna and women generally. Now he's back, tweeting, and posting on Instagram - a photo of himself and (on-again) former bf and objet d'abuse Ri-Ri. She'd posted a different pic of the two of them together a few days ago. Can you say, "Cross-marketing"? I know you can. Meantime, Pope Benedict XVI has signed up for a Twitter account, @Pontifex. (The Latin word pontifex, "bridge builder," is a traditional name for the pope.) He already had 163,000 followers as of Monday, but he won't start tweeting (in six languages) until Dec. 12.

Brad and Mike and Robin, oh, my!

Now that's one in flagrante delicto moment we would have paid to see. Come back with us, if you will, to 1988. Mike Tyson, big-time boxer; Robin Givens, big-time star. They're divorcing - but apparently still enjoying sexy sexuality of a sexual nature from time to time. Michael, loved by "SideShow" because the man will say anything, tells Graham Bensinger of Yahoo! Sports that one day, en route to a divorce thing, he stops by chez Robin's, hoping, hoping - and discovers young unknown Brad Pitt in bed with her. What, now? Whoa. The look on Brad's face must have been . . . well . . . quite a look. No confirmation, denial, or anything from Robin or Brad.

NBC star blasted by NRA star

NBC announcer Bob Costas is catching heckfire for a 90-second bit during Sunday's halftime of the alleged football game between our Eagles and the Dallas Curboys. Costas, discussing the murder-suicide case involving Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher, called for gun control. Now gun fans are all upset - including probably the loudest mouth in the NRA, Ted Nugent. Ted took to Twitter and just blasted poor, defenseless Bob. But Ted's tweets weren't as funny as this one, by Politobetch: "Guns don't kill people. Bob Costas's wig kills people." Goodness.