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Best Bets

Film New this week: Hyde Park on Hudson (***1/2 out of four stars) Bill Murray plays FDR during one fascinating summer weekend in 1939 when he and his wife host the king and queen of England, and when a distant cousin (Laura Linney) falls in love with the polio-hobbled commander in chief.


New this week:

Hyde Park on Hudson (***1/2 out of four stars) Bill Murray plays FDR during one fascinating summer weekend in 1939 when he and his wife host the king and queen of England, and when a distant cousin (Laura Linney) falls in love with the polio-hobbled commander in chief.

A charming, wistful film.


Strand of Oaks' Tim Showalter is one of the most affecting singer- songwriters of his generation. Dark Shores, Strand of Oaks' newest album, is no less character-driven, diverse, or emotionally tortured than their last two



The mood-swinging band Buried Beds, notable

for pure, effervescent, harmony-driven pop, opens.


"Miracle of Chanukah"

at Klein JCC

Enjoy the spirit of the holiday Sunday during

the musical production Miracle of Chanukah, presented by local children of the Russian Jewish community, at Klein Jewish Community Center in Northeast Philadelphia.

- Monica Peters