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Your Weekend Love & the Stars

ARIES (March 21-April 19) sssss You've got that extra pizzazz and zoom. Consider how much fun you could have at just TGIF! Eggnog and happy spirits brand the next few days as the Santa countdown occurs. Someone has a twinkle in their eye when it comes to you. Do you want to make a choice? Do you need to?

ARIES (March 21-April 19) ***** You've got that extra pizzazz and zoom. Consider how much fun you could have at just TGIF! Eggnog and happy spirits brand the next few days as the Santa countdown occurs. Someone has a twinkle in their eye when it comes to you. Do you want to make a choice? Do you need to?

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) **** You might not have the intention of tossing a party Friday night and Saturday. Your pad will be the place where it is happening. It could be you and just a loved one. You will make sure the next few days are memorable, for the lucky souls who are part of this celebration.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ***** You use the next few days to make merry and touch base with nearly all of your friends in your customary style. There are a lot of seasonal greetings exchanged, yet one person's words might have a bigger impact than you thought possible. Need we say anymore? Go and live it up!

CANCER (June 21-July 22) **** You're emotional and can be possessive. As you note this possessiveness emerging, note who is drawing this response from you. With this information, you might just decide to plug into the gamma of your feelings about this person. Sunday, make it a point to get to know each other better. Merry Christmas, moonchild.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ***** You're on such a roll, you probably will not read this, and if you are, shame on you. You are not living up to your lion potential. Go on out the door, drop in on a party or two, or deliver a bottle of champagne to a friend. Now you are into the swing of things. Stay there, for at least a few days.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) **** You face several choices right now. Your choice is directly reflective of the person within. However, the planets play stellar interference Sunday. You must appear and become part of the holiday hoorahs. Toss yourself 100 percent into what is going on. You discover just how much fun you can have!

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) **** You roll into Friday night with rock-star fame but fall flat late Saturday. What happened here? Venus, the planet that always bestows its special magic on you, decides to do a backward jig. Ouch! Use Friday to the max. Remember, this is real.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ***** When someone vanishes on a holiday weekend yet they are not going out of town, friends worry ... your poor friends. Perhaps you need to let them know about your mischief-making activities. In any case, it is clear on Sunday to all that you have been having your own party. (And they weren't invited!)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) **** Reach out for someone at a distance before you go off into this weekend. A surprise might be heading down your path. Follow your instincts and gravitate toward places that have Christmas music and lots of cheer. All will unfold naturally.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ***** Deal directly with a loved one while they glitter with the season's merriment and fun. You might even consider an early gift giving to seal the moment forever in your memory. Sunday has a unique euphoric quality. Enjoy.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ***** You rarely structure your weekends and holidays, you like to flow. Flow you may, but expected happy boulders interrupt your drifting. Others simply cannot celebrate their Christmas without you. You'll see ... and you will still be able to be a free spirit!

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) **** You have been mulling over a problem and this issue could be taking away from your carefree, massive holiday indulgence. Perhaps you need to back up and deal with this impediment. Sunday, a loved one or friend lures you out of the doldrums into the fun. Isn't that better?