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Books Best-Sellers

Hardcover For the week ended Dec. 14, compiled by Nielsen BookScan © 2014 The Nielsen Co. Fiction 1. Gray Mountain John Grisham. Doubleday. $29


For the week ended Dec. 14, compiled by Nielsen BookScan © 2014 The Nielsen Co.



Gray Mountain

John Grisham. Doubleday.


2. Hope to Die James Patterson. Little, Brown. $29

3. Revival Stephen King. Scribner. $30

4. The Escape David Baldacci. Grand Central. $28

5. Tom Clancy: Full Force and Effect Mark Greaney. Putnam. $30

6. All the Light We Cannot See Anthony Doerr. Scribner. $27

7. The World of Ice & Fire George R.R. Martin. Bantam. $50

8. Leaving Time Jodi Picoult. Ballantine. $28

9. The Burning Room Michael Connelly. Little, Brown. $28

10. Flesh and Blood Patricia Cornwell. Morrow. $29



Killing Patton

Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard. Henry Holt.


2. 41: A Portrait of My Father George W. Bush. Crown. $28

3. Make It Ahead Ina Garten. Clarkson Potter. $35

4. Guinness World Records 2015 Guinness World Records. Guinness World Records. $29

5. Yes Please Amy Poehler. HarperCollins/Dey Street. $29

6. What If? Randall Munroe. HMH. $24

7. Money: Master the Game Tony Robbins. Simon & Schuster. $28

8. Dungeon Master's Guide Wizards RPG Team. Wizards of the Coast. $50

9. Dreamers and Deceivers Glenn Beck. S&S/Threshold. $27

10. Thug Kitchen Thug Kitchen. Rodale. $25


For the week ended Dec. 14, compiled by Nielsen BookScan © 2014 The Nielsen Co.

Mass Market



Dean Koontz. Bantam.


2. Home in Seattle Debbie Macomber. Mira. $8

3. Gone Girl (movie tie-in) Gillian Flynn. Broadway. $10

4. Wicked Ways Jackson/Bush. Kensington/Zebra. $8

5. American Sniper (movie tie-in) Chris Kyle. Harper. $10

6. Mistress James Patterson and David Ellis. Vision. $10

7. Sycamore Row John Grisham. Dell. $10

8. Terror of the Mountain Man William W. Johnstone. Pinnacle. $8

9. Starry Night Debbie Macomber. Ballantine. $6

10. Carnal Curiosity Stuart Woods. $10




Laura Hillenbrand. Random House.


2. Unbroken (movie tie-in) Laura Hillenbrand. Random. $16

3. The Boys in the Boat Daniel James Brown. Penguin. $17

4. Wild (movie tie-in) Cheryl Strayed. Vintage. $16

5. Gone Girl Gillian Flynn. Broadway. $15

6. American Sniper (movie tie-in) Chris Kyle. Morrow. $16

7. Gone Girl (movie tie-in) Gillian Flynn. Broadway. $15

8. Captivated by You Sylvia Day. Berkley. $16

9. The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2015 Sarah Janssen. World Almanac. $14

10. Blood Magick Nora Roberts. Berkley. $17


For the week ended Dec. 13, compiled by and Iobyte:

1. Unbroken Laura Hillenbrand. Penguin Random House. $3

2. The Escape David Baldacci. Hachette. $11

3. Gone Girl Gillian Flynn. Penguin Random House. $3

4. Wild Cheryl Strayed. Penguin Random House. $4

5. The Burning Room Michael Connelly. Hachette. $4

6. Hope to Die James Patterson. Hachette. $10

7. Big Little Lies Liane Moriarty. Penguin Random House. $4

8. All the Light We Cannot See Anthony Doerr. Simon & Schuster. $7.

9. Gray Mountain John Grisham. Penguin Random House. $10

10. The Girl Who Came Home Hazel Gaynor. Harper Collins. $1