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What to stream this weekend: UnReal

UnReal One of the best, darkest, culturally insightful shows of last year was on . . . Lifetime? Yep, UnReal was the must-watch new show of 2015 that not nearly enough people watched.

Where to stream it: Hulu.

Like this? Binge this: Fargo (Amazon Prime Video), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Netflix), Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce (Netflix).

One of the best, darkest, culturally insightful shows of last year was on . . . Lifetime? Yep, UnReal was the must-watch new show of 2015 that not nearly enough people watched.

Don't worry, though, Hulu has the first season streaming, and you can catch up before the second season premieres Monday.

Rachel (Shiri Appleby) is the conflicted producer of a Bachelor-like show. On the one hand, she knows she's shamelessly manipulating the contestants to make good TV. On the other hand, she's really good at it. Rachel's boss, Quinn (House of Card's Constance Zimmer), knows how good her protégé can be at getting impressionable young women to do crazy things on camera and tries to mold Rachel in her own evil image, to Rachel's detriment.

Beware, the show gets nastier as the season progresses, but it remains inherently watchable.

UnReal is smart, sharp, and well-written. It's the best show on TV about TV.