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Cool your jets: the video of the eagle snatching the baby is probably fake

On Tuesday night, a video of a golden eagle swooping down from the sky to snatch up a baby in Canada set the Internet on fire like it was after Ikea Monkey's rightful spot on the throne. By Wednesday, though, the world awoke to discover that the video is probably a fake. Someone even enhanced the video and slowed it down to demonstrate that—frame-by-frame—it's highly unlikely that this is an actual thing that happened. A bird expert, Kenn Kaufman, even commented to explain why a golden eagle didn't try to snatch the baby.

'A golden eagle tries to snatch a baby in Montreal,' and the video goes viral. But it's faked. Golden Eagle is a scarce visitor in the Montreal area, but the bird in the video is not a Golden Eagle, nor anything else that occurs in the wild in North America. This was clearly a setup: using a falconer's bird, and probably a fake toddler for the distant scene. With all the ignorance about nature that's out there already, the last thing we need is this kind of stupid garbage. But, you can image what it'd be like if one did, eh? Eh?!