Shyamalan's 'Glass' seeks extras for Korea-set scene to be shot in Philly area
Want to be in the new movie from M. Night Shyamalan?
M. Night Shyamalan officially wrapped filming his upcoming film Glass here in Philly back in December, but at least one remaining Philly-shot scene requires extras this month.
Heery Loftus Casting is looking for Asian men and woman age 15-25 to perform as background actors for the scene, which will be set in Korea but shot in as-yet-unnamed locations here in the Philly area on Feb. 17. Union and non-union actors are welcome to apply, and all roles are paid.
Those interested should email with a photo, phone number, and age if under 18 years old. Organizers ask that applicants title their emails "KOREA" in the subject line.
Glass serves as a joint followup to Shyamalan's popular films Unbreakable (2000) and Split (2016). The film follows Unbreakable's David Dunn, played by Bruce Willis, as he attempts to track down Split's Kevin Wendell Crumb, played by Will McAvoy. Unbreakable's Elijah Price, played by Samuel L. Jackson, keeps secrets important to the fate of both characters, according to a plot synopsis.
Glass is scheduled for a Jan. 18, 2019 release.