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HIV screening advised for everyone 15 to 65

Delay risky for young breast-cancer patients

Don't delay treatment for breast cancer, especially if you're young.

That's the message from a study of 8,860 women ages 15 to 39 published online in the journal JAMA Surgery. This age group accounts for less than 6 percent of breast cancer patients, but the cancers tend to be more aggressive.

Records in the California Cancer Registry showed which women had surgery or began chemotherapy within two weeks of diagnosis and which women waited at least six weeks.

The analysis found that 22 percent of women who delayed treatment for at least six weeks were not alive five years after diagnosis vs. 16 percent who started treatment within two weeks and 17 percent who began in two to four weeks.

Latinas, African-Americans, and poor women were far more likely to put their recovery at risk by delay. - Los Angeles Times

medical groups.

Up to 25 percent of people who carry the virus that causes AIDS don't know they are infected. The task force concluded that early detection would "result in substantial public health benefits."

People in known risk groups - including intravenous drug users, men who have sex with men, and those who have unprotected sex - should be tested at least annually.

"The question is, 'Do you have ongoing risk, like new sexual partners?' " said Doug Owens, a panel member and professor at Stanford University. "If you do, then it makes sense to screen periodically." - Los Angeles Times