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Steroids and sports

Roger Clemens and Brian McNamee appeared before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The committee's Web site provides depositions, interviews and other documents from “The Mitchell Report: The Illegal Use of Steroids in Major League Baseball, Day 2.” Click on the link to Day 2 of the hearings.

» READ MORE: Read the documents (.pdfs)

Inquirer sports columnist Phil Sheridan watched the congressional hearing and blogged. And blogged. And blogged.

» READ MORE: Read the blog

Read George Mitchell's 409-page report to Major League Baseball on the use of performance-enhancing drugs.

» READ MORE: Read the report (.pdf)

View the stats on key players named in the report.

» READ MORE: View the graphic

George Mitchell announced his findings Dec. 13.

» READ MORE: Watch George Mitchell's news conference

In 1996, Mark McGwire was using a then-legal steroid. His ratio of moon shots was the best in baseball history.  And he was chasing Roger Maris' record.

» READ MORE: Read the article

(From the archives) Don Hooton's son killed himself in 2003 after using drugs to bulk up. Hooton grieved - and then decided to fight.

» READ MORE: Read the article

After his son's suicide, Don Hooton established the Taylor Hooton Foundation, whose goal is eliminating the use of performance-enhancing drugs in high schools.

» READ MORE: Go to the Web site