_ Daily News movie critic Gary Thompson apologizes for misidentifying Venom as Viper in his "Spider-Man 3" review yesterday. In his defense, he says that like Flint Marko, he sometimes turns to sand. Most often, though, it's just his head.
Daily News
movie critic Gary Thompson apologizes for misidentifying Venom as Viper in his "Spider-Man 3" review yesterday. In his defense, he says that like Flint Marko, he sometimes turns to sand. Most often, though, it's just his head.
_ In a story yesterday about James McGreevey and the Episcopal church, David L. Moyer was misidentified. He is bishop for the armed forces in the Anglican Church in America. The Episcopal bishop of the armed forces is George E. Packard, bishop suffragan for chaplancies.
_ In a story yesterday about the security of college campuses, the senior vice president of Security On Campus Inc. was misidentified. His name is S. Daniel Carter. *