What will losers do now?
Most of yesterday's losers will land on their feet

What happens to the losers in the Democratic mayoral primary?
Tom Knox can retire, or return to what he's really good at – making money. He has a truckload of real estate and stock investments. He spent $10 million of his own on a losing cause, but recently estimated his net worth at about $100 million.
Bob Brady has two jobs, and gets to keep them both, at least for now. He runs for re-election to Congress next year, and remains chairman of the Democratic City Committee.
Chaka Fattah returns to Congress, chastened by disheartening defeat but still the senior member of the city's delegation with a seat on the Appropriations Committee.
Arch-nemesis Jerry Mondesire, the Philadelphia NAACP president and Sunday Sun publisher, said he's looking for a suitable candidate to take Fattah on, but it won't be easy to roust the seven-term incumbent.
Dwight Evans remains a power in Harrisburg, chairman of the state House Appropriations Committee and influential with Democrats and Republicans. He's now run for lieutenant governor, governor, and mayor twice. So don't be surprised if you hear he's running in another race.
Jesus White will continue to live at a shelter and said he may run for mayor again in four years, now that he's boosted his name recognition.
Queena Bass couldn't be reached, but she's nothing if not persistent. This is her third run for mayor. *
- Dave Davies