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For student artists in exhibit opening today, art pays

In the mood to purchase some good karma? Then check out the spring arts exhibit of the Mural Arts Program, opening this afternoon and featuring the combined talents of young people in ArtWorks, the Adolescent Violence Reduction Partnership (AVRP) and the ARTScape Art Education programs.

In the mood to purchase some good karma?

Then check out the spring arts exhibit of the Mural Arts Program, opening this afternoon and featuring the combined talents of young people in ArtWorks, the Adolescent Violence Reduction Partnership (AVRP) and the ARTScape Art Education programs.

"There will be student artworks, more than 200 pieces of art the AVRP sites have created over the past year," said Anne Harrison, AVRP program coordinator. "There will also be examples of the 'Cops and Kids' murals, and a display of activities."

The "Cops and Kids: Turning the Corner" project, of which the Daily News is a sponsor, brings AVRP youth and the police together to create the murals going up at the 17th District Police Station, 20th and Federal streets, and the Boys & Girls Club that sits atop the 25th District station, 3901 Whitaker Ave.

Items on display and available for purchase will include mock-ups of the actual murals and other creations, Harrison said.

"All the items will be for sale; this is a great opportunity for the youth," she said. "We will hang [their artwork] up on the wall and mat it, gallery-style. This is very exciting."

Harrison said prices will range from $20 to $50, slightly more for the bigger pieces.

The artists will receive something far more tangible than nods of appreciation or words of encouragement.

"All of the money goes directly to the students," said Harrison. *