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Split verdict for Bucks woman in 'Mom Gone Wild' case

The Bucks County "Mom Gone Wild" case ended yesterday with a split verdict that cleared Angela Honeycutt of the most serious sexual assault charges with underage boys, but left her facing a possible jail sentence on lesser charges.

The Bucks County "Mom Gone Wild" case ended yesterday with a split verdict that cleared Angela Honeycutt of the most serious sexual assault charges with underage boys, but left her facing a possible jail sentence on lesser charges.

A jury in Bucks County Court convicted Honeycutt, 38, of two counts of corruption of minors, but acquitted her of statutory sexual assault arising from a teenage sleepover in Lower Makefield Township last April.

Both sides in the lurid case claimed victory.

"We're both extremely pleased," said defense lawyer Neils Eriksen.

"It was exactly what we were hoping would happen, and it was what we argued - that she was inappropriate.

"The jury found her inappropriate for certain actions, but for the majority of the serious offenses, not guilty. A victory, as far as we're concerned."

The prosecutor, Assistant Bucks County District Attorney Mark Walz, also claimed victory, pointing out that the jury convicted Honeycutt of two "still very serious crimes."

He said she could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison.

Honeycutt, a single mother of two, was a chaperone at the party, which turned into a boys-only sleepover.

The prosecution contended that Honeycutt got drunk, stripped, danced provocatively and had sexual intercourse in a shower with one boy, and sexual contact with another boy.

Eriksen contended that the boys manufactured the account, first out of bravado, then to cover up their own behavior that night. The party was held at the home of Lynne Long-Higham, who pleaded guilty to endangering the welfare of children and corrupting minors. She is awaiting sentencing.

Yesterday afternoon, while the jury was deliberating, Honeycutt tearfully acknowledged to reporters outside the court house in Doylestown that she had made mistakes, but denied having sex with the boys. *