Briefly... CITY/REGION
Man stabbed on street A man was treated for stab wounds last night after someone, who police say may have been a friend or a drug buyer, became annoyed with him. The confrontation occurred on Frankford Avenue near Rockland Street shortly before 7 p.m.

Man stabbed on street
A man was treated for stab wounds last night after someone, who police say may have been a friend or a drug buyer, became annoyed with him. The confrontation occurred on Frankford Avenue near Rockland Street shortly before 7 p.m.
Police said the victim was smoking an unknown narcotic when the assailant approached and began arguing with him. The assailant then pulled out a knife, stabbed him several times and fled. The victim was in stable condition at Albert Einstein Medical Center.
Child advocates to meet
Public Citizens for Children and Youth, a child-care-advocacy organization, will host a meeting with members of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation tomorrow to discuss the new congress' agenda for children. Elected officials have been invited to the session at 5:30 p.m. at the United Way Building, 17th Street and Ben Franklin Parkway.
Gay marriage law urged
New Jersey should pass a law that allows gay couples to get married, a state commission says in a report to be released today.
The 13-member Civil Union Review Commission concluded that the state's two-year-old civil-union law does not do enough to give gay couples the same protections as heterosexual married couples.
The report could signal that a debate over whether New Jersey should be the first state to allow gay marriage by passing a law - rather than by a court mandate - could be starting soon.
Arrest in woman's dragging
Police say a Marlton man accused of injuring his Kutztown University student-girlfriend by driving off as she hung onto his pickup truck has been arrested.
Police say Michael Marrone, 20, is awaiting extradition to Pennsylvania. He and Christine McGhee, 20, of Warminster, Pa., were seen arguing and he drove off as she hung onto the side of his truck in a parking lot on the Kutztown campus.
He is not a Kutztown student. McGhee is a sophomore. She was found in the parking lot about 3:30 a.m. Friday. Police said Monday that she was in stable condition at Lehigh Valley Hospital, with face and head injuries.
Campbell workers donate
Campbell Soup employees will donate $50,000 in gifts tomorrow to agencies that will deliver them to needy families.
More than 870 employees have adopted 80 families and will donate about 1,600 gifts. *
- Staff and wire reports