This toy story needs you for a happy ending
Quick, get a toy! The Daily News, Inquirer and are spearheading an urgent campaign to help the Toys for Tots campaign bring happier holidays to needy kids in the Philadelphia area.

Quick, get a toy!
The Daily News, Inquirer and are spearheading an urgent campaign to help the Toys for Tots campaign bring happier holidays to needy kids in the Philadelphia area.
"Santa was concerned that he should have about $40,000 worth of toys collected at this point [in the annual drive], but this year, he only had about $20,000 worth collected," said Brian Tierney, chief executive officer of Philadelphia Media Holdings, which owns the two newspapers and
Santa in this case is aided by the Marine Corps Reserve, which runs Toys for Tots.
"I know in this economy everybody feels a little tight, but those who need the toys are feeling it as well," Tierney said. "So we hope people can rally and help."
The company and its employees have come up with about $10,000 worth of toys. The papers and will also donate prominent ads to spur contributions from the public before the Monday deadline.
Citizens can donate money or new toys that aren't gift-wrapped.
You can drop off toys around the clock at the Daily News/Inquirer building at 400 N. Broad St., or at any of 25 other locations listed at the campaign's Web site,
You can make a financial contribution online, or mail checks made out to "Toys for Tots for Philadelphia" to 2838-98 Wood-haven Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154.
And if you text-message the word "toy" to the number 90999 on your cell phone, a $5 contribution will be charged to your wireless bill. *