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Sustainability plan is goal-oriented

Check out a sampling of the targets outlined in Mayor Nutter's sustainability plan, complete with the benchmarks he has set for the city to reach by 2015.

Check out a sampling of the targets outlined in Mayor Nutter's sustainability plan, complete with the benchmarks he has set for the city to reach by 2015.

Target 1: To lower city government's energy consumption by 30 percent.

Current: The city consumed 3.6 trillion BTUs of energy in 2008.

2015 Target : To consume 2.54 trillion BTUs.

Target 7: To divert 70 percent of waste away from landfills.

Current: Last year the city sent 1.56 million tons of waste to landfills.

2015 Target: To recycle an additional 0.67 million tons, thus sending 0.89 million to landfills.

Target 9: To provide green open space within a 10-minute walk of 75 percent of residents.

Current: There are 10,300 acres of green space.

2015 Goal: To increase that to 10,800 acres.

Target 10: Bring local food within a 10-minute walk of 75 percent of residents.

Current: There are 230 gardens and food markets in the city.

2015 goal: To have 316 gardens, farms and markets.

Target 14: Double the number of green jobs in the city.

Current: The city has 14,400 green jobs.

2015 Goal: To have a total 28,800 green jobs. *

- Catherine Lucey