Snow-day no-show gets mixed reviews from fans
Back in the day, they didn't cancel the bivouac at Valley Forge over a few flakes of snow or a strong breeze. Washington crossed the Delaware in worse weather than this. What a nation of quiche eaters we've become. Where are our cojones when it really matters?
Back in the day, they didn't cancel the bivouac at Valley Forge over a few flakes of snow or a strong breeze. Washington crossed the Delaware in worse weather than this. What a nation of quiche eaters we've become. Where are our cojones when it really matters?
- Eephus
We waited all week for this showdown. Hard to believe Glenn Schwartz could stop Michael Vick and company! - Mike Breggar, Cherry Hill, N.J.
Some of my best Eagles memories were the days of the chalky hot chocolate at a snow inundated Franklin Field as a kid. And I was griping this morning about the temps not going to reach 60 here! Actually, I'd trade it in a second for one more cardboard cup of that hot cocoa watching Joe Scarpati, Merrill Douglas and Harold Jackson.
- Tom Ficara, Henderson, Nev.
I'm disappointed that we didn't watch a Snow Bowl on Sunday, but I really do commend the NFL for considering the safety of fans and gameday staff in a snow emergency. This was one instance where common sense prevailed over the conventional stance of "if both teams are in town we will play the game." I've got no issue with this.
- Adam Dvorin, Northern Liberties
What a bunch of pansies! This weather is what fans in the Midwest look forward to. Nothing like a snow game, on the Lakefront, temps near zero, wind blowing and gusting, in a blizzard, and the stadium sold out, every seat filled! What happened to the people of Philly? You used to be tough, now it seems you've become girly men. - Browns fan
Mayor Daley would never cancel a game at Soldier Field.
- hoosier310
The NFL canceled the game. Not the Eagles, players, city, or state. It should have been canceled . . . deal with it.
- fblecku
It was a good idea to postpone the game . . . because it is a game. Dying in the snow is not. We are not talking a few flakes, we are talking almost a foot, with high winds. Get over yourselves. - bingo
Why is the mayor thrown under the bus? Of course he's going to say cancel so the snow crews can ignore the sports complex and focus on other parts of the city (in theory anyway). I don't think he's the best mayor, but come on, let's stop blaming him for every little thing we don't like.
- Timmy