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Help for parents

H ERE ARE CONTACT numbers and websites for organizations that work with families and the community to prevent child abuse and child deaths:

H ERE ARE CONTACT numbers and websites for organizations that work with families and the community to prevent child abuse and child deaths:

* Pa. Department of Public Welfare child-abuse hot line

- 1-800-932-0313

* Philadelphia Child Protective Services abuse reporting

- 215-683-6100

* National child-abuse hot line for parents worried they may hurt their children

- 800-4-A-Child;

* Prevent Child Abuse Pennsylvania - 484-446-3033

* Institute for Safe Families - 215-843-2046;

* Pa. Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention & Awareness Program - 717-531-7498

* The Children's Advocacy Project -

* CAPE (Child Abuse Prevention Effort.) Offers free parenting classes - 215-624-1176, ext. 229;

* St. Christopher's Hospital for Children's Child Protection Clinic. Provides medical evaluation and psychosocial support to children and families - 215-427-6869

* Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's Safe Place: The Center for Child Protection and Health. Provides evaluations of abused children - 215-590-4923

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