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About the series

Those battling substance abuse and alcoholism are among society's most vulnerable people. The Daily News, in its series "Perfect Prey," is examining how Philadelphia's fragile - and growing - population of vulnerable people, which includes the elderly and disabled, can fall victim to fraud. In some cases, the very people who are supposed to help them instead capitalize off their struggles.

THOSE BATTLING substance abuse and alcoholism are among society's most vulnerable people. The Daily News, in its series "Perfect Prey," is examining how Philadelphia's fragile - and growing - population of vulnerable people, which includes the elderly and disabled, can fall victim to fraud. In some cases, the very people who are supposed to help them instead capitalize off their struggles.

In this story, we examine the use of movies as a treatment for alcoholism and addiction. To lodge a complaint about a treatment provider, contact the state Division of Drug and Alcohol Program Licensure at 717-783-8675. Or call Member Services within Community Behavioral Health at 1-888-545-2600.