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Carla Bruni has time to sing

Now that her husband, Nicolas Sarkozy, is done with his silly part-time job as leader of the world’s escargots, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, 44, can finally return to her work making us all bothered and overheated with her rhymes. The former model and chanteuse wrote fiercely throughout her man’s reign and has stored up, like a Gallic squirrel, lots of material. “She continues to compose,” Carla’s manager tells London’s Telegraph. “What she gave up for practical reasons was her public concerts, which she is now able to start again.” Look for a new CD in time for Christmas.

Now that her husband, Nicolas Sarkozy, is done with his silly part-time job as leader of the world's escargots, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, 44, can finally return to her work making us all bothered and overheated with her rhymes. The former model and chanteuse wrote fiercely throughout her man's reign and has stored up, like a Gallic squirrel, lots of material.

"She continues to compose," Carla's manager tells London's Telegraph. "What she gave up for practical reasons was her public concerts, which she is now able to start again." Look for a new CD in time for Christmas.

Celebrities who save lives

To be a celeb is to have power over life and death. Just ask Dustin Hoffman and Mila Kunis.

A Brit named Sam Dempster, 27, revealed Tuesday that Dustin, 74, saved his life last month when he had a heart attack and collapsed while jogging in London's Hyde Park. Dustin stayed with the man until help arrived.

"He stayed on the scene for the whole duration of the resuscitation … about 15 minutes," paramedic Martin Macarthur said. "He was very concerned."

Across the pond 'n' continent in L.A., Mila Kunis, 28, saved the life of a man, 50, who was doing work at her house Saturday when he suffered a seizure so violent, he bit clean through his tongue, says TMZ. Not only did the Black Swan star call 911, she took charge of the situation, holding the man's head and turning it to the side to prevent him from choking. She did all this just a day after she had a confrontation with a stalker.

Tidbits 'n' pieces

Ally McBeal,Boston Legal, and Picket Fences creator David E. Kelley has signed to make a new medical drama, Monday Mornings, for TNT. It's based on the Sanjay Gupta book. … Actors make such sacrifices: Anna Faris, 35, tells USA Today that she actually grew her underarm hair to play Sacha Baron Cohen's love interest in The Dictator, eschewing the director's suggestion they use glue-on hair. … Victoria's Secret model Alessandra Ambrósio, 31, and fiancé Jamie Mazur welcomed a son, Noah Phoenix, on Monday in Brazil.

Rita Ora on Drake

Jay-Z's protege Rita Ora says she's not dating Drake, they're just good friends. But the Kosovo-born warbler did fall in love with a track he wrote, "R.I.P." It's Ora's debut single in the United Kingdom, where it's No. 1 on iTunes. Ora said that she loved the track the moment she heard it, but that she was only pals with Drake. "We're really good friends actually … He has my back," she said, "so it's really nice to know I have a guy that's a good friend like that." The 21-year-old is signed to Jay-Z's Roc Nation and is now on the radar of the paparazzi, who hung around outside the party. Ora says, "I'm like, oh my God, they care!" — Associated Press

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