Anti-gay to his brother, he embraces his 'out' daughter
DEAR ABBY: I am a gay man who has had a difficult, distant relationship with my only brother, "Bill." He has made many nasty, homophobic remarks, and my partner, "Jon," has been excluded from many family gatherings. Because Jon wasn't welcomed I also did not attend those gatherings, and I endured further wrath because I didn't.
DEAR ABBY: I am a gay man who has had a difficult, distant relationship with my only brother, "Bill." He has made many nasty, homophobic remarks, and my partner, "Jon," has been excluded from many family gatherings. Because Jon wasn't welcomed I also did not attend those gatherings, and I endured further wrath because I didn't.
Bill's daughter has just announced that she is a lesbian. His reaction is mystifying. He has embraced her and her partner and has lovingly included them into the heart of the family.
I am happy that my niece has found love and support. I am also jealous that she has a better father than I did a brother. Are my feelings justified?
- Sad Sibling in Virginia
DEAR SAD SIBLING: Of course your feelings are justified. You are human, and your skin isn't made of Teflon. It's sad that your brother couldn't have treated you and Jon with more compassion and understanding.
I find it interesting how people's perspective can radically change when a child of theirs is involved. Now let's see if your brother's attitude toward you changes, and how forgiving you and your partner can be if it does.
DEAR ABBY: Can you settle a dispute for me? When you go up to a house with two doors - a regular door and a screen door - and there is no doorbell, is it proper to open the first door and knock on the second door or is it considered rude?
- Knock, Knock
DEAR KNOCK, KNOCK: Because in the absence of a doorbell the only way you can make your presence known would be to knock, open the screen door and knock. Then step back and close the screen door so you're not intruding on the space of the person who answers it.