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She drinks, & imperfect husband humiliates her

DEAR ABBY: I'm an alcoholic. My husband blames it for everything that goes wrong in our lives. Not invited to a coveted party? They must have heard what an ass I made of myself four years ago.

DEAR ABBY: I'm an alcoholic. My husband blames it for everything that goes wrong in our lives. Not invited to a coveted party? They must have heard what an ass I made of myself four years ago.

I love my husband and don't want to leave him. However, he is blind to the similarities to his overeating and smoking.

I'm at my wit's end. He refuses to see, while pointing out to our friends that I'm not supposed to drink, that I could be as nasty as he is and say things like, "You're not supposed to smoke," or, "You're overweight and shouldn't eat that."

I'm sick of being humiliated and tired of feeling as though I owe him something because he "overlooks" me being an alcoholic. How can I get him to see that these things are all addictions and hard to kick, and he should quit looking down his nose at me?

- Humiliated in Texas

DEAR HUMILIATED: Your letter proves the truth of the saying that alcoholism is a "family disease." The more your husband draws attention to your alcohol problem, the less he is forced to confront his own addictions to food and tobacco, and it also serves as a distraction. It's comfortable for him, allows him to feel superior and benefits him because it makes him an object of sympathy. This is neither helpful nor healthy for either of you.

I have said many times that you cannot change another person. However, a licensed mental-health professional may be able to help you understand why you tolerate your husband's behavior - and might even be able to give you insight into why you drink the way you do.