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State lawmaker wants to ban all live animals in circuses

Last week Ringling Bros. announced it would phase out the use of elephants in its circus shows by 2018. Now a Pennsylvania lawmaker wants to go even further. Sen. Daylin Leach (D., Montgomery) said he plans to introduce a bill to ban all animals in traveling circuses, saying that such exhibitions are inhumane to other animals as well.

Last week Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey circus made national headlines when it announced it would phase out the use of elephants in its shows by 2018.

Now a Pennsylvania lawmaker wants to go even further.

Sen. Daylin Leach (D., Montgomery)  said he plans to introduce a bill to ban all animals in traveling circuses, saying that such exhibitions are inhumane for other animals as well.

"Elephants are not the only circus animals that are suffering," he said. "To maximize profit, traveling exhibitions use grueling itineraries that force all of their animals to endure cramped living quarters, limited social interaction, and perpetual stress."

Ringling. in its announcement. said it would continue to use tigers, horses and other animals in its shows.

Leach's bill would provide exemptions for zoos and educational exhibits.

Leach had sponsored legislation to ban elephant hooks, used to control the animals, which would have effectively stopped Ringling from bringing its shows to Pennsylvania.

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