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Ask Jennifer Adams: How to keep your glass shower doors clean in a guest bathroom

In a guest bathroom, simply having a squeegee in the shower implies, of course, that you'd like for it to be used.

The entire bathroom can look clean and airy when the shower clear glass is actually clear.
The entire bathroom can look clean and airy when the shower clear glass is actually clear.Read moreshutterstock

Question: The shower in our guest bathroom has clear glass shower doors. Keeping them clean is a chore, though the entire bathroom looks so nice when they are clean, so I think it's worth it. The problem is, our guests (especially our own adult children) won't use the squeegee after they shower. I ask them politely to do so, and there is a cute sign on the wall as a reminder. Sometimes they'll even lie that they used the squeegee, but they obviously haven't. What can I do?

Answer: Brand-new or freshly cleaned glass shower doors really do look amazing in any bathroom. And, as you know, the entire bathroom looks clean and airy when the clear glass is actually clear. I know how hard it is to keep glass shower doors clean, but some soaps and hair products create more residue than others. So, if I were you, I would give your guests the benefit of the doubt and be a gracious host.

The squeegee (or an absorbent towel or microfiber cloth) to wipe off the doors and shower walls is a great start to keep those pesky water spots from forming. If the squeegee gets used every time, your cleaning will be easier, and the doors will look good for longer. You could also cheat a little and skip it if your partner jumps into the shower after you're done.

In a guest bathroom, simply having a squeegee in the shower implies, of course, that you'd like for it to be used. And a good house guest will at least make an effort to be helpful. However, try to let it slide, especially for those staying for just a day or two. No one will ever keep things just the way you want them, and some people may have no idea why the squeegee is there. You could be a little more insistent with your own family, especially if they grew up with your cleaning expectations and they are staying for a while. But even so, they are still your guests.

I hope this is helpful to you. Please don't let this ruin your holiday season.

Have a design dilemma? Jennifer Adams is an award-winning designer, TV personality and author of the upcoming book "Love Coming Home: Transform Your Environment. Transform Your Life." Send your questions to or for more design ideas, visit Jennifer's blog on her website at