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Planned Parenthood's 'repellent' spawn

“Repellent” is a fairly strong word that, if used too often, loses its power.

"REPELLENT" is a fairly strong word that, if used too often, loses its power. It has such potency that I reserve it just for things that make my stomach turn and my head spin, things that make me question humanity, things that have a rancid smell and an ugly outer shell.

Emily Letts is one of those rare creatures who fits my idea of "repellent." In fact, Emily and the whole Planned Parenthood crew that support her are prima facie evidence that the world is filled with what Hannah Arendt famously referred to as the "banality of evil."

At the risk of giving her more notoriety than she's already garnered, Emily Letts is the woman who found out she was pregnant, didn't want the baby, didn't have any intention of paying for her roll in the hay with nine months of drudgery and chose to have an abortion.

That is already something I reject on principle, the idea that a human life, even one so infinitesimally small that it can fit on the head of a pin with the dancing angels, is disposable because someone had a little too much fun in the sheets.

But this isn't just the case of a woman who chose to have an abortion, something that Planned Parenthood advocates with a zeal that surprises even some of its (former) employees. Here we have an extremely short-term mother who decided that not only would she dispose of her baby but that she would film herself in flagrante, preserving for posterity her narcissism.

In one of her numerous interviews to the media which - surprise! - was fascinated by her stunt, Letts said, "I feel super great about having an abortion." Being the language snob that I am, the first thing that jumps off the page with this comment is the sophomoric phraseology, the use of one adjective to modify another. Clearly, this young lady did not go to Catholic school or the nuns would have taught her to pay better attention to the grammar. The second thing that occurs to me is that someone who can feel "super great" about ending a pregnancy "because it was the right decision for my life" is a big embarrassment for the pro-choice movement, even though they'd never admit it (they're still recovering over pink-sneaker Wendy Davis and her creative version of the truth).

Then again, maybe she isn't. Emily Letts is the bitter harvest that Planned Parenthood has forced society to reap by its nihilistic insistence on "reproductive rights" to the exclusion of the rights of the unborn. This organization, founded by a eugenicist who actively supported the sterilization of the mentally infirm and the racially undesirable, has been unrelenting in its crusade to normalize abortion. Everything it has done, every move made, has been designed to remove the stigma from an act that ends in the death of at least one party, and sometimes two.

Which brings me to another reason I find Planned Parenthood even more repellent than randy Emily, who, after all, is just a victim of several decades worth of brainwashing from the feminists. She's been taught to feel good about her choices, and the lesson took so well that not only is she unashamed, she is absolutely delighted with her ability to destroy human life and make a great conversation piece on YouTube in the process.

Planned Parenthood is the reason that Emily Letts exists, and the propaganda about how much it supports women through mammograms (an insignificant part of its mission) and other "reproductive health" services is just a smokescreen for its biggest moneymaker: abortion. And that, my friends, is why the organization has gone on the warpath against one of its own.

Margo Davidson represents Delaware County, my home district, in Harrisburg. She was supported by NOW and Planned Parenthood in her first campaign. But a funny thing happened on the way back to the statehouse. Davidson was one of the few Democrats to vote in favor of additional restrictions on abortion clinics in the wake of the Gosnell tragedy. Her cousin, Semika Shaw, died as a result of a botched abortion performed at Gosnell's clinic in West Philadelphia. This is how she explained her vote: "I honor [my cousin's] memory by voting yes on this legislation that seeks to safeguard the health of women that is long overdue, so that never again will a woman walk into a licensed health-care facility in the state of Pennsylvania and be butchered as she was."

Because of that courageous stand, Planned Parenthood has targeted her for defeat in the upcoming Democratic primary by supporting her male challenger. I am beginning to realize that if you cross the grand priestesses of reproductive freedom by fighting to protect women, you will be struck down. If, on the other hand, you glorify that deadly "choice" with a close up, you're a heroine.

And that's a tragedy for society. I'd call it "mourning sickness."