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Controversial black supremacist busted again

New Black Panther Party's Minister King Samir Shabazz arrested in Trenton in a gun case, violating his probation in New York.

Minister King Samir Shabazz (left), whose given name is Maruse Heath, argues with protesters at a Mumia Abu-Jamal rally in 2007. (David Maialetti/Staff/File)
Minister King Samir Shabazz (left), whose given name is Maruse Heath, argues with protesters at a Mumia Abu-Jamal rally in 2007. (David Maialetti/Staff/File)Read more

MINISTER KING Samir Shabazz, the notorious black supremacist and leader of the New Black Panther Party's Philadelphia chapter, is in jail again.

Trenton police arrested him after officers - serving an outstanding warrant out of Atlantic City - found a 9 mm handgun, 30 rifle rounds and one armor-piercing bullet in a room where he was staying in the city's Battle Monument neighborhood, spokesman Lt. Mark Kieffer said.

It was the second gun arrest in a year for Shabazz, 42, whose real name is Maruse Heath. That means Shabazz is considered a probation violator in New York City, where he was arrested in June 2013 after officers spotted him wearing a bulletproof vest in Harlem and carrying a loaded, unlicensed handgun.

Shabazz now is being held in the Mercer County jail, charged with gun offenses; he faces extradition to New York City for the probation violations.

Malik Zulu Shabazz, who stepped down from his post as national chairman of the New Black Panther Party to be president of the Black Lawyers for Justice, didn't return a call from the Daily News, but he wrote on Facebook that he will fight to free Minister King Samir Shabazz, who he said was being held in lieu of $100,000 bail.

Besides his rants at rallies and on black-power radio shows supporting "cracker-killing," Shabazz is best known for sparking a federal probe for voter intimidation after he brought a billy club to a North Philly polling place on Election Day 2008. The incident prompted party leaders to briefly suspend Shabazz and the Philly chapter. But both were reinstated in 2010, with Shabazz being promoted to "national field marshal."

In that post, he has spread his "Kill Whitey" message across the country, urging blacks to create militias to exterminate whites, skin them alive, pour acid on them, sic pit bulls on them, bust their heads with rocks and even raid nurseries to "kill everything white in sight."

Two days before his June 19 arrest in Trenton, he preached and took calls for nearly three hours on the Afrikkan Supremacy Blogtalk Radio Show, saying: "Never give up on this goddamn cracker. Never ease up. Never smooth things out for him." He also announced he was working on an autobiography and planned to visit North Carolina this weekend to start a New Black Panther Party chapter in Charlotte, N.C.

Shabazz had been arrested at least four times in Philadelphia, including one weapons arrest, according to court records.

His penchant for getting arrested suggests he's "not the brightest porch light on the block," said Mark Potok, senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups.

But "the man talks a bloody frightening rant," Potok added. "When people speak in the way that Shabazz does, it's always a worry that they're going to act eventually. Frazier Glenn Miller talked for 40 years about murdering Jews, and this spring, he actually did murder three people."

Miller, a white supremacist who headed the Ku Klux Klan in North Carolina, is now jailed in Kansas after he allegedly gunned down three people at the Jewish Community Center in Overland Park, Kan., in April.
