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Rendell leads rally for gun control

Gov. Rendell, Mayor Street and Mayor-elect Michael Nutter joined gun-control advocates, including other elected and law enforcement officials from across Pennsylvania, at a rally in Harrisburg this morning for stricter gun laws.

Gov. Rendell, Mayor Street and Mayor-elect Michael Nutter joined gun-control advocates, including other elected and law enforcement officials from across Pennsylvania, at a rally in Harrisburg this morning for stricter gun laws.

The rally, scheduled for 10 a.m. in the Rotunda of the State Capitol, was organized by CeaseFire PA, a group established three years ago to help reduce gun violence.

Among those taking part was Shauta McDuffie of Philadelphia, who cried as she held a photo of her son Tykeem Law, who was shot while on his bike at age 14. She was part of a group called Moms Against Guns.

Also there was Philadelphia police officer Richard DeCoatsworth, who was shot in the face during a traffic stop in late September. Despite being wounded, the rookie officer chased a suspect for several blocks.

Rendell said polls show most Pennsylvanians favor several proposals that are stalled in the Legislature.

They include limiting handgun purchases to one per month and requiring owners to report whenever guns are lost or stolen.

The governor said the measures are aimed at protecting police officers and are not anti-hunter.

Monday's rally was organized by CeaseFire PA to show support for better gun regulation and for reducing traffic in illegal.

The objective is to show support for better gun regulation and in particular measures to reduce the flow of illegal handguns, said Diane Edbril, the group's policy director.

On Wednesday, the Legislative Black Caucus walked off the House floor, expressing frustration over the lack of movement on any meaningful gun-control legislation.

"This wasn't a walkout - this was a stand-up. It was a stand-up for a cause," said Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland (D., Delaware County), chairman of the Legislative Black Caucus. ". . . What we did today was start a movement. What we did today was raise the bar and raised the issue about lives being lost in our various communities."

For more information on CeaseFire PA, go to,
