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Reid dodges questions about his sons’ struggles

Eagles coach Andy Reid revealed little to reporters this afternoon regarding his much-publicized interview with Philadelphia magazine on his family's struggles with drug addiction.

Eagles coach Andy Reid revealed little to reporters this afternoon regarding his much-publicized interview with Philadelphia magazine on his family's struggles with drug addiction.

At his weekly news conference at the NovaCare complex, Reid indicated why he and his wife Tammy chose to discuss his troubled children with the magazine before the end of the current football season.

"I did this as a way to share our story with others and as a way to reach out to [those] who are going through similar experiences," Reid told reporters gathered at the conference.

"And [I did] it while the players are still in town so they can read it. . .so there's no gray area," Reid said.

Both Garrett Reid, 24, and his brother, Britt, 22, have battled drug addiction and been sentenced to 23-month jail terms stemming from Britt's January road-rage incident and Garrett's heroin-fueled, high-speed crash that same day. Garrett is expected to face more charges for smuggling pills into the Montgomery County prison.

Reid this afternoon was quick to limit the questioning about his private life and tried to steer the conversation to Sunday's game against the New Orleans Saints.

"I'm not going to open this up for questions - there are things still pending and I'm not going to talk about [it]."

Reid repeatedly thanked the media and well-wishers, and tried to keep the discussion on the Bird's contest this Sunday in the Big Easy.

"We are so grateful to all the people who have reached out to us," Reid said. "I appreciate your help, and I'm going to talk about this week's game," he said.

Reid tried to urge reporters to focus on game with the Saints but a reporter instead asked why he chose now to discuss his sons' problems with drugs and the law.

"Everybody is here that went through this," said Reid, referring to his players and coaches. "So everybody can read [the article]."

"I'd like to leave it at that," Reid said.

"I'd love [people] to read the article. . .it's all in there," Reid said of the interview, which will hit newsstands next week. "I really can't get in to it all right now."

Reid was asked why he chose a magazine to express his views rather than newspaper or television outlets.

"People have reached out," he said. "I felt it's the only way to reach everyone - they've been great."

"Let's move on to the Saints."