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Suspended constable in court today

Michael Solow, the suspended West Conshohocken constable awaiting trial on official oppression charges, faces more trouble today in Montgomery County Court.

Michael Solow, the suspended West Conshohocken constable awaiting trial on official oppression charges, faces more trouble today in Montgomery County Court.

Judge Paul W. Tressler will be asked to hold Solow, 67, in contempt of court.

County prosecutors made the request after Solow allegedly sought a new constable ID card from the state. Solow's had been seized after his arrest March 31.

That day, Tressler had suspended Solow and ordered him to surrender his uniform, badge, constable's ID card, and marked car. Last week, Solow was accused of applying to the state for a new card.

His lawyer, John I. McMahon Jr., says Solow violated no cour orders.

"It's not the type of card that would be exhibited by Mr. Solow in connection with any constable work," McMahon said. "It's a card that basically says he underwent training to be qualified as a constable. Mr. Solow had no intention of representing himself to the public as a constable."

Solow is awaiting trial on accusations that he illegally evicted a West Conshohocken family in August and that he searched a Horsham residence without a warrant the same week.