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Barnes investing in Merion site

The Barnes Foundation will spend more than $300,000 to revitalize its grounds and structures in Merion in the coming months, in preparation for the continued use of the arboretum and the galleries.

The Barnes Foundation will spend more than $300,000 to revitalize its grounds and structures in Merion in the coming months, in preparation for the continued use of the arboretum and the galleries.

After the galleries are temporarily closed July 3, the art is moving to the new Barnes home on the Parkway in Center City, expected to open next June.

At a Barnes Community Day that attracted 450 neighbors throughout the day Sunday, executive director and president Derek Gillman- himself a Merion resident - told the visitors that "the Barnes is not leaving Merion. The art collection is going to Philadelphia but the board and the staff of the Barnes are committed to Merion."

He said the arboretum on the estate of the late Dr. Albert Barnes "is one of the greatest on the East Coast," that the education program Dr. Barnes created will continue there and that the institution's large archives collection will find new space there.

Gillman also directed neighbors to suggestion boxes, and asked for their ideas about future use of the gallery space.